So I have been seriously lacking on my blog posts... life has been super busy. Since half term, which was at the end of February, I have been teaching all three math classes and Food Tech. That is a lot of lesson planning to do EVERYDAY! However, all the hard work has trully paid off. I have reassured myself of the fact that I love mathematics...yes that is the true nerd in me. For every lesson, I try to think of a fun activity to do to enhance the learning. It can be challenging to think of a fun activity on converting mixed numbers to improper fractions. It is a true google hunt to find ideas!
I have received some of the best compliments from the teachers. The teacher of one of the math classes I teach told me that it was clear I had a true passion for teaching and knew my mathematics very well. It is compliments like that that keep me working hard. Coming to South Africa has deeply strengthened my confidence in the classroom. If I can walk into a completely foreign enviroment and make it out on top, then I can handle any classroom!
So what have I been up to this past month?
First off, teaching, teaching and more teaching! Since all the COST students and myself have been busy at the schools, we haven't done that much traveling. We also have a lot of university work to complete before we leave. Since I leave for Cape Town in a week, I want to finish all my work so I can enjoy my vacation!
Last weekend was Foundation Weekend at Kingswood. The school had many festivities planned for the students and alumnis. It was also the 17th birthday of my host families' son. On Friday night, we went to a cricket game in Port Elizabeth. It was the final game of the Pro20. The game was packed and tons of fun. The fans here are insane! Everyone was dressed up and dancing. There is like a DJ at the games with people dancing on the stage. There is also a marching band. So you are constantly moving, cheering and dancing the whole game. On Sunday, I went to the grade 6/7 girls first hockey game of the season. And no, not ice hockey either...they play field hockey.
This past week I helped coach hockey. I have never played hockey before, but luckily I was able to catch on quick. I just had to learn a few rules and basics of the game and I hope none of the students picked up on the fact that I was totally clueless :) I will be helping with net ball (which is kind of like basketball) next week.
This weekend, we stayed in Grahamstown again. Diana and I went to a social with the Rhodes squash team. It was fun to meet some Rhodes students and experience how South Africans have a social. The social was similar to a social I would have with my sorority. The theme was "Anything that starts with a S..." This weekened was also the hockey and rugby festival. I spent all Friday afternoon watching hockey. Yesterday, we went and watched out first rugby game. Man, is that sport rough. I always heard rugby was rough but actually watching it in person was something else. I am sure many of those boys are going to be super stiff and sore today!
From Monday afternoon to Tuesday afternoon, I am going to Kwandwe private game reserve. The headmasters' wife's family owns the reserve. They are giving Auburn and I a complimentary night stay at one the luxurious lodges, including four game drives and all meals! I am trully spoiled! This one night trip would probably cost around $1,000!
In the picture above, is Diana, Auburn, Aegean, and I. Aegean is the 17 year old who lives at the house Diana and I stay out. He is quite the basketball star at his school!
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